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Energise your Brain & Body Course

  In Energise your Brain & Body we'll Learn:

●How to Energise your brain & body with specific breathing methods

●How to improve posture and body awareness

●How to release trapped emotions from the body 

In this course we’ll dive deeper into breathwork and the human body. We will learn about the cerebrospinal fluid and its role in the brain and body. We will learn how to accelerate the cerebrospinal fluid, activating the pineal gland and releasing blocked emotional energy from the body. This technique greatly accelerates the process of changing our mental and emotional baselines.

Content :

Week 1

Understanding the pineal gland and the cerebrospinal fluid

Week 2

Supporting and elongating the spine with your inner muscles

Week 3

The flow of energy through the body

Week 4

Understanding trauma and trapped emotional energy

Week 5

Switching on the antenna

Week 6

Grounding and integrating